Something really unusual is happening in the sky. The Autumnal Equinox and a Harvest Moon are at the same time. and Jupiter is closer to the Moon than it has been in 50 years..the Moon was so bright last night you couldnt see anything but it and Jupiter.
Tonight we are having a Country Harvest Moon Hayride . I have new overalls and we are supposed to have a COUNTRY CHECK somewhere..look at my picture! The paperdoll dress is checkered .
I have snacks, a flashlight, a drink and a pillow..( we cant tell anyone we are planning a pillow fight ) I will tell you how it went tomorr
SueAnna D'Arbonne in COUNTRY CHECKS
You are sooo lucky to see the moon. I'm sooo jealous. It's pouring here like it's November. I'm distressed. But I did see Jupiter the other night and was amazed at how bright it was. I LOVE the night sky when I can see it!